Student Loan
Back Student Loan Information
Payday loan companies again under the pressure of the NIS, the brand is "highly irresponsible"In
the short term lender Wonga.com broke over the finances of the student
on the website after the allegations that the student is to eliminate
one of their high interest loans.The
National Union of Students said the company had seen "very
irresponsible" what it called "predatory marketing," and had asked to
withdraw the information.The
company, small loans designed to provide in a short time, in one aspect
of marketing on its website that the benefits of the credits on the
official student loans had submitted to be taken. However,
not mentioned that during the charging process, an interest rate of
4.214% per annum, the current student loans is only 1.5%.It
offers its high cost compared to the student loan officer and said:
"Student loans are usually much cheaper than your standard personal
loan, but it can be a disadvantage - you can now borrow more than
necessary while a devaluation to accumulate . degrees can take years to repay it. "Despite
the fact that "a Wonga loan interest is much higher," he suggested, are
more flexible and say "enough to borrow for a month and repay the loan
on a date that fits."In
a statement on its Web site, Wong said that the information removed
because "it is not active on the students as potential customers, and we
wanted to clarify ambiguity on this issue."He
said the Student Loans page on their website was "several years" and
was one of many short pieces he had written about the credit issue,
since he launched his ministry.Wonga
but said it would because "evaluate all applications are equally robust and
completely objective." Professionals continue to students, giving the
select to apply for the credit.
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