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Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to determine which of the eight types of student loans is best for you

Last year we struggled with the fact that our dreams we need students with no money in the fund of the bank. If we had no idea that the loans, the study, that many different types of student loans. So that you can by a brief summary of what is expected of eight different types of student loans.
The eight types of student loans:
* Federal Stafford Loan (two types: subsidized mobile phone contract)
* Federal PLUS Loans (Parent Loans for students)
* Federal Perkins Loans
* Bank Lending
Government Bonds *
* Other subsidized loans (Stafford)
* Loans from other sources
* College Board Extra Credit Loan
We had no idea that trying to get a loan from the federal government, not for FAFSA. Once you are on your FAFSA Student Aid Report, you must wait (SAR). With SAR in hand, now you can go to a student loan that meets your needs.
To experience a further opening of the eyes. For me, the interest paid on student loans is robbery. As you will soon discover, these prices are high, but most lenders are in competition with each other.
Federal Stafford Loans before - subsidized (government pays the interest until you graduate), loans more available to elementary and secondary education. It 'hard to beat this record.
These prices are low interest loans for students.

* 6.0% of the school year 2008-09

* 5.6% for the 2009-10 school year

* 4.5% for the 2010-11 academic year

* 3.4% for the 2011-12 school year

* Return to 6.8% for school year 2012-13.
In this example it is better to borrow less money in 2011 and now expect heavy borrowing, as interest expense. And do not forget to January 1 of each year, you must apply through FAFSA again to get your student loans for next year.
According to the Federal Stafford loan mobile phone - easily accessible and students can pay, how does the total amount of the loan, if they are graduates.
*** *** The secrets of the student loans
Students who attended the university to negotiate and work your provider to make the monthly payments and throughout the next decade. If your interest is $ 8 per month to $ 10, which should not be so difficult to pay. Any time you can pay the capital, the better.
Third Federal PLUS loans for parents - the parents assume the full cost of university students. It is not "as a parent," now offers a nice tax breaks, but that could change with a new president.
*** *** The secrets of the student loans
You can negotiate the repayment of the loan. Choose from the date of issuance or repayment begins 60-90 days after the loan money.
Federal Perkins Loans 4 - Students who have financial problems should look at the Perkins loan. The problem with these loans are limited, but you will get a loan at a favorable price.
*** *** The secrets of the student loans
Federal Perkins Loans are reported on your credit bureau. Do it well and there will be an excellent rating. Default or late payment will cause problems. Be very careful.

5 Loans - when the federal government then turned to a bank loan. These loans are usually a bit 'higher, and each bank has different rules. I want to shop hard before signing on the dotted line. Some banks offer loans Stafford, but they are more stringent on their policies.
*** *** The secrets of the student loans
Banks to limit loans to full-time students and repayment options are limited. But perhaps some incentives to re-payments on student loans.
6 Loans State student - who should advise your bank to withdraw the application. Most states offer a guaranteed student loans, but banks manage your money.
*** *** The secrets of the student loans
This type of student loans are usually more expensive to borrow from the moment you compare loans with the federal government.
7 Additional Stafford subsidized loans - These types of loans for students are determined by federal guidelines and are for borrowers who fall into the category of "independent.
8 Other types of student loans - see all the options and talk to your financial aid counselor at the school. Responsible for the military, students and companies that provide business support. Do not be afraid to ask.
CompensationIt 'a place to pay tuition fees if you repay in a year. Associated with about 2,000 universities, schools offer management services to students to help them, but be prepared for some high prices. These funds should be used only in case of emergency.
I can not stress enough, be sure and ask your FAFSA in early January of each year to serve. When you receive your SAR, you can use to work on things and be in the front row to get your student loan.

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